Tuesday, August 10, 2010

All I want is a turkey sandwich!

I've been pretty lucky in terms of morning sickness. I wake up in the mornings starving and nauseous. Usually the nausea only lasts until I eat and then I'm okay.
The weirdest part about eating has been my food aversions. I don't like a lot of the foods that I used to enjoy, and foods I never cared for I now find myself wanting. I'm not really craving anything in particular, and I haven't had any really strange cravings like women always say they do while pregnant. I have noticed, however that fruit
tastes amazing, particularly watermelon. Salty foods taste extra salty, so much that I can't enjoy them like I used too. The weirdest thing I've noticed while nauseous amd hungry, is my absolute love and want for turkey subs! Not just any turkey subs, but one's from this amazing little deli not far from my house. I've been eating them every single day for two weeks straight. I don't know what it is about them that curbs the nausea, but something about the softness of the bread, the cheese, and the mayo, that seems to calm my stomach. Normally, I love to switch up my food choices, but I've been totally content eating this everyday, no problem. It wasn't until I started doing some research about foods to eat while pregnant, that I realized I should be avoiding turkey & deli meats altogether because of Listeria. For those of you that don't know, Listeria is a bacteria that can grow in contaminated foods, such as water, vegetables, soil, and undercooked meats. They can be especially harmful to both mother and baby. Here is a great link from American Pregnancy on Listeria and pregnancy.
Well, there goes my love for turkey sandwiches! Now, I just have to find a replacement....

But... all this talk about food has left me wondering.  How many women have had the same thing happen? Has anyone had a craving for turkey sandwiches? Has anyone eaten them? Any other weird food aversions? 

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