Saturday, October 16, 2010

It's becoming harder and harder to sleep.

Ahhh, the time has come. I've been fearing this day for awhile..
I am a total back sleeper. Sometimes, just to switch it up, I sleep on one of my sides. So, to be told that I have to sleep on just my left side for 5 months, seems like total torture to me. Now I have been practicing, and sometimes I even tell A to roll me over if he sees me sleeping on my back. He never does. He could sleep through a 757 crashing downstairs and not even bat an eye. Jerk.
I don't actually have to start sleeping on my side until I am 20 weeks along. Too bad I didn't make it even that long before I started tossing and turning. I'm just short of 18 weeks and I wake up more than ever. My bed feels like I'm sleeping on a cardboard box and I can't get into a comfortable position for anything. Everytime I wake up, I find myself sleeping on my back. It kills me when I have to get up in the mornings.
Okay, okay, a bit dramatic, I know..but until you've had to sleep restlessly 5 months don't really have a clue. ;)
So after a couple of sleepless nights, I've decided to invest in a body pillow. Anyone that knows me, knows that I am a review freak. I read reviews for hours, before I can decide to buy something I'm not sure about. So just like everything else, I read every review out there on every single body pillow ever made. I still can't decide on one. I don't know if it's the idea of dropping 50 - 100 bucks on a pillow that I don't even know if I'll end up using that deters me, or the fact that almost all of the body pillows out there have gotten some really bad reviews. Either way, I'm going to buy one because the idea of sleeping this badly for more than a few months sounds like my own personal hell.
Right now, it's between these two..

Cozy Cuddler Total Body pillow, which you can find at for just 39.99

 Leachco - All nighter pregnancy pillow for 50.00 at

The Leachco has gotten over 569 really great reviews, and both look and feel really comfy. And after seeing the more pricey one's at Babies R Us, Target, Bed Bath and Beyond, and Amazon, these definitely seem like the best.
So.. in the next few days I will decide on one and report back. And until then, please, please, let me get a good night's rest...

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